⌕ also known as "LittIe An."
⌕ 19 years old
⌕ Filipino Artist

art credits to mono

🔅 Before you add me ...

⌕ I post a lot of random posts that might trigger you
without my knowing.
⌕ I share LOTS of weirdcore and traumacore content.
⌕ I have a lot of negative content lingering in around as well.
⌕ This is a personal and private account of mines.
I cannot let anyone else who aren't comfortable nor close to me easily get inside of my account.
UNLESS I'm the one who sent you a friend request.
⌕ If you're here to commission me, you're free to message me through DMs! But if you're here to add me for arts and as an artist friend, check out my social media category!

art credits to me


⌕ My public Facebook art account;

⌕ My Facebook art page;

⌕ My Twitter account;

⌕ My YouTube channel;